Kangas, Marjaana
Kasvatustiede, Lapin yliopisto, 2010, ISBN: :978-952-484-418-5.
Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Avainsanat: creative and playful learning, creativity, englanninkieliset väitöskirjat, pedagogical model, playful learning environment, playfulness, technology
title = {The school of the future: Theoretical and pedagogical approaches for creative and playful learning environments},
author = {Marjaana Kangas},
url = {https://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:ula-2011291055},
isbn = {:978-952-484-418-5},
year = {2010},
date = {2010-01-01},
urldate = {2010-01-01},
school = {Kasvatustiede, Lapin yliopisto},
abstract = {This qualitative study investigates how learning and a learning environment can be defined and how the school learning environment should be designed to accommodate the potential of an innovative playful learning environment. Conceptually, the playful learning environment (PLE) refers to an indooroutdoor technology-enriched play and learning environment that has been developed for pre-primary and primary education. The five empirical studies comprising the thesis represent a continuum describing the development of the PLE, its pedagogical foundation, and its evolution. The study draws on two methodologies: grounded theory (GT) and design-based research (DBR). Both provide a researcher with the opportunity to generate theory and develop novel educational practices.
The particular focus of the research is on pre-primary and primary-aged children, their ideas, views, experiences and activity processes in various playful learning environments. The first study provides insights into the central features of the environment and the related learning activities. Among other findings, the research indicates that feelings are an essential part of children’s play and learning activities. The second study analyzes children’s creative collaboration in playful co-design activities and provides tools for defining learning. Here, the research yields insights into narrativity, creativity, and imagination in children’s collaborative activity. The third study illustrates children’s ideas and expectations regarding their ideal school and learning environment. It shows how primary school children’s expectations resonate in many ways with the arguments advanced in the current educational debate on what kinds of learning environments might best support children’s learning and well-being.
The fourth and fifth studies examine experiences of the PLE in authentic curriculum-based play and learning settings. These studies mark the beginning of a series of innovative design experiments. The results of the research indicate that various forms of creative and playful learning in the playground context can serve children’s learning in a multifaceted way. The two studies provide a strong underpinning for further research and design experiments relating to the PLE.
As defined in the thesis, learning is creative and playful learning that comprises mind-on, hands-on and body-on activities. It encompasses two slightly different learning processes: creative learning and playful learning. The former takes place mostly in classrooms, using various technology and media affordances, whereas the latter, as a physical form of learning, typically takes place outdoors, on a technology-enriched playground. The theoretical approaches to creative and playful learning elaborated in the thesis culminate in a pedagogical model for creative and playful learning. The model provides educators with a pedagogical foundation and tools for applying creative and playful learning in innovative environments and for approaching learning in ways that might contribute to the school of the future. The study captures the ideal creative and playful learning environment through a vision of a learning environment that encourages the use of various formal and informal learning places and spaces, novel technologies and technology-enriched learning environments, creativity, playfulness, physicality and children’s overall well-being.},
keywords = {creative and playful learning, creativity, englanninkieliset väitöskirjat, pedagogical model, playful learning environment, playfulness, technology},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {phdthesis}
The particular focus of the research is on pre-primary and primary-aged children, their ideas, views, experiences and activity processes in various playful learning environments. The first study provides insights into the central features of the environment and the related learning activities. Among other findings, the research indicates that feelings are an essential part of children’s play and learning activities. The second study analyzes children’s creative collaboration in playful co-design activities and provides tools for defining learning. Here, the research yields insights into narrativity, creativity, and imagination in children’s collaborative activity. The third study illustrates children’s ideas and expectations regarding their ideal school and learning environment. It shows how primary school children’s expectations resonate in many ways with the arguments advanced in the current educational debate on what kinds of learning environments might best support children’s learning and well-being.
The fourth and fifth studies examine experiences of the PLE in authentic curriculum-based play and learning settings. These studies mark the beginning of a series of innovative design experiments. The results of the research indicate that various forms of creative and playful learning in the playground context can serve children’s learning in a multifaceted way. The two studies provide a strong underpinning for further research and design experiments relating to the PLE.
As defined in the thesis, learning is creative and playful learning that comprises mind-on, hands-on and body-on activities. It encompasses two slightly different learning processes: creative learning and playful learning. The former takes place mostly in classrooms, using various technology and media affordances, whereas the latter, as a physical form of learning, typically takes place outdoors, on a technology-enriched playground. The theoretical approaches to creative and playful learning elaborated in the thesis culminate in a pedagogical model for creative and playful learning. The model provides educators with a pedagogical foundation and tools for applying creative and playful learning in innovative environments and for approaching learning in ways that might contribute to the school of the future. The study captures the ideal creative and playful learning environment through a vision of a learning environment that encourages the use of various formal and informal learning places and spaces, novel technologies and technology-enriched learning environments, creativity, playfulness, physicality and children’s overall well-being.
Lankoski, Petri
Character-driven game design: A design approach and its foundations in character engagement Väitöskirja
Media Lab, Aalto-yliopisto, 2010, ISBN: 0782-1832.
Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Avainsanat: character design, characters, computer games, design, englanninkieliset väitöskirjat, game design
title = {Character-driven game design: A design approach and its foundations in character engagement},
author = {Petri Lankoski},
url = {http://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-952-60-0004-6},
isbn = { 0782-1832},
year = {2010},
date = {2010-01-01},
school = {Media Lab, Aalto-yliopisto},
abstract = {In this study I propose a design approach for character-based games. In order to develop a design method for character-based games, I look at how games guide players and the playing experience (especially the relationship between formal features and playing experience). This design approach has been used in the design of the game Lies and Seductions.
Research implies that people react to human-like entities (e.g., game characters) as if they were people, including empathizing with characters. I argue that player characters can be used to guide the playing experience by limiting player choices. In addition, the system can make some things easier or more difficult to perform. This means that when the game system promotes or denotes some choices, the system can fix the personality traits of the character. These techniques support certain kinds of interpretation of the player character and of the game.
In this study, I argue that the relationship between the game system and the representation of characters should be taken into account. I use formal analysis in conjunction with theories of cognitive science to distinguish designable features and trace the possible implications of using these features within the design.
As the main results I introduce a character engagement model and a design approach (that is grounded to the character engagement model) for character-based games that integrate insights from dramatic writing for theatre. The proposed design approach focuses on character-driven conflicts.},
keywords = {character design, characters, computer games, design, englanninkieliset väitöskirjat, game design},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {phdthesis}
Research implies that people react to human-like entities (e.g., game characters) as if they were people, including empathizing with characters. I argue that player characters can be used to guide the playing experience by limiting player choices. In addition, the system can make some things easier or more difficult to perform. This means that when the game system promotes or denotes some choices, the system can fix the personality traits of the character. These techniques support certain kinds of interpretation of the player character and of the game.
In this study, I argue that the relationship between the game system and the representation of characters should be taken into account. I use formal analysis in conjunction with theories of cognitive science to distinguish designable features and trace the possible implications of using these features within the design.
As the main results I introduce a character engagement model and a design approach (that is grounded to the character engagement model) for character-based games that integrate insights from dramatic writing for theatre. The proposed design approach focuses on character-driven conflicts.
Vartiainen, Leena
Yhteisöllinen käsityö: Verkostoja, taitoja ja yhteisiä elämyksiä Väitöskirja
Käsityötiede, Itä-Suomen yliopisto, 2010, ISBN: 978-952-61-0088-3.
Links | BibTeX | Avainsanat: suomenkieliset väitöskirjat
title = {Yhteisöllinen käsityö: Verkostoja, taitoja ja yhteisiä elämyksiä},
author = {Leena Vartiainen},
url = {http://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-952-61-0088-3},
isbn = { 978-952-61-0088-3},
year = {2010},
date = {2010-01-01},
urldate = {2010-01-01},
school = {Käsityötiede, Itä-Suomen yliopisto},
keywords = {suomenkieliset väitöskirjat},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {phdthesis}
Eskelinen, Markku
Travels in cybertextuality: The challenge of ergodic literature and ludology to literary theory Väitöskirja
Jyväskylän yliopisto, digitaalinen kulttuuri, 2009, ISBN: 978-951-39-3653-2.
Abstract | BibTeX | Avainsanat: cybertext theory, englanninkieliset väitöskirjat, ergodic literature, game studies, literary theory, ludology, narratology, transmediality
title = {Travels in cybertextuality: The challenge of ergodic literature and ludology to literary theory},
author = {Markku Eskelinen},
isbn = {978-951-39-3653-2},
year = {2009},
date = {2009-01-01},
school = {Jyväskylän yliopisto, digitaalinen kulttuuri},
abstract = {The dissertation’s main point of departure is the clash between explicit and implicit presuppositions, conceptualisations and generalisations in print-oriented literary theoretical paradigms and a plenitude of empirically verifiable anomalies and counter-examples to them found in digital and ergodic works of literature. The behaviour of these counter-examples is explained by cybertext theory that addresses the often neglected issue of the variety of literary media. Both the empirical counter-examples and the empirically verifiable differences in the behaviour of literary media allow us to expand and modify literary theories to suit not just one traditionally privileged media position but all of them. Therefore, in the first half of the dissertation, literary theory and narratology are viewed and modified from the perspective of slightly revised cybertext theory. In this process theories of ergodic and non-ergodic literature are integrated more closely and several so far non-theorized ways of manipulating narrative time, regulating narrative information, and generating narrative instances are located and theorized. In the second half of the dissertation, the role of cybertext theory and the position of ergodic literature are reversed as they are viewed from the perspectives provided by ludology and game ontology. This is necessary to better situate ergodic literature in the continuum of other ergodic phenomena and between interpretative and dominantly configurative practices. To this end a provisional and formal paradigm of ludology is first constructed and synthesized from previous ludological research and then applied to newer forms and genres of ergodic literature such as textual instruments.},
keywords = {cybertext theory, englanninkieliset väitöskirjat, ergodic literature, game studies, literary theory, ludology, narratology, transmediality},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {phdthesis}
Lehdonvirta, Vili
Virtual consumption Väitöskirja
Taloussosiologia, Turun kauppakorkeakoulu, 2009, ISBN: 978-952-249-019-3.
Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Avainsanat: consumer behaviour, cross-cultural study, dematerialisation of consumption, electronic commerce, englanninkieliset väitöskirjat, ethics of consumption, online communities
title = {Virtual consumption},
author = {Vili Lehdonvirta},
url = {https://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-952-249-019-3},
isbn = {978-952-249-019-3},
year = {2009},
date = {2009-01-01},
school = {Taloussosiologia, Turun kauppakorkeakoulu},
abstract = {Millions of people are spending time and money on virtual goods: clothes for their characters in online hangouts, weapons for their fighters in massively-multiplayer games, and presents for their friends in social networking platforms. In this dissertation, I locate virtual goods as the latest step in an overall digitalisation of consumption, and examine the reasons behind this ”virtual consumption” through data gathered from some of its primary arenas. The dissertation is positioned in the sociology of consumption and also addresses recent streams of scholarship on ICT and society. In popular discourse, spending real money on virtual goods is frequently attributed to Internet addiction and manipulation by marketers. The results of this dissertation suggest that the fundamental drivers of virtual consumption are rather found in individuals’ social and hedonic motivations. In online spaces, virtual goods function as markers of status, elements of identity and means towards ends in the same way as material consumer goods do in similarly contrived physical spaces. The impact of virtual goods is not limited to virtual communities, however, because pre-existing social relations are also increasingly acted out in online spaces. Survey data is used to argue that spending on virtual goods is linked to participants’ economic and socio-demographic backgrounds. The resulting digitalisation of consumption can potentially have significant implications for the global economy and the ecological sustainability of consumer culture.},
keywords = {consumer behaviour, cross-cultural study, dematerialisation of consumption, electronic commerce, englanninkieliset väitöskirjat, ethics of consumption, online communities},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {phdthesis}
Ollila, Elina
Using prototyping and evaluation methods in iterative design of innovative mobile games Väitöskirja
Ohjelmistotekniikka, Tampereen teknillinen yliopisto, 2009, ISBN: 978-952-15-2110-2.
BibTeX | Avainsanat: englanninkieliset väitöskirjat
title = {Using prototyping and evaluation methods in iterative design of innovative mobile games},
author = {Elina Ollila},
isbn = {978-952-15-2110-2},
year = {2009},
date = {2009-01-01},
school = {Ohjelmistotekniikka, Tampereen teknillinen yliopisto},
keywords = {englanninkieliset väitöskirjat},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {phdthesis}
Peltoniemi, Mirva
Industry life-cycle theory in the cultural domain: Dynamics of the games industry Väitöskirja
Tiedonhallinnan ja logistiikan laitos, Tampereen teknillinen yliopisto, 2009.
Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Avainsanat: englanninkieliset väitöskirjat
title = {Industry life-cycle theory in the cultural domain: Dynamics of the games industry},
author = {Mirva Peltoniemi},
url = {https://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:tty-200905291059},
year = {2009},
date = {2009-01-01},
urldate = {2009-01-01},
school = {Tiedonhallinnan ja logistiikan laitos, Tampereen teknillinen yliopisto},
abstract = {Industry life-cycle theory is interested in changes in key industry variables, including entry and exit rates, firm numbers, price, performance and concentration, and in innovative activity as the industry ages. To date, industry life-cycle studies have concentrated on traditional manufacturing industries that produce utilitarian goods. The present study investigates the dynamics of the games industry which is a prime example of a non-manufacturing and non-utilitarian industry. As prior research on the games industry is scarce, the cultural industries literature is reviewed to shed light on the conformities and deviations that can be expected to be found between the propositions of the industry life-cycle theory and the empirical analysis on the games industry. The specificities of cultural industries are discussed in terms of economic characteristics, management challenges and industry dynamics.
The empirical study comprises two analytical steps. The first one investigates the evolution of the games industry with standard industry life-cycle tools. In the second one a qualitative systems dynamics model on the micromechanisms of the game development sector is built to explain the observations made in the first step.
The key finding of the study is that the dynamics of the games industry differ from the propositions of the industry life-cycle theory in two respects. Firstly, innovative activity has not levelled off in either hardware or software. Secondly, game development has remained an unconcentrated industry. The innovative activity is explained by the constant need for novelty common to all cultural industries and it manifests in the key role that the production of original ideas has in game development firms. The low level of concentration is explained by lesser economies of scale caused by increasing management challenges and the increasing risk of bankruptcy with increase in firm size.
The study contributes (1) by applying the industry life-cycle theory to the cultural domain, (2) by combining the phenomena listed in the cultural industries literature and analysing their effect on industry dynamics, (3) by examining the evolution of the games industry in both hardware and software sectors and (4) by highlighting the micromechanisms that produce industry dynamics. The study also has implications for policy-making and management practice. These relate to different forms of public funding, education, outsourcing and the key role of original IP.},
keywords = {englanninkieliset väitöskirjat},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {phdthesis}
The empirical study comprises two analytical steps. The first one investigates the evolution of the games industry with standard industry life-cycle tools. In the second one a qualitative systems dynamics model on the micromechanisms of the game development sector is built to explain the observations made in the first step.
The key finding of the study is that the dynamics of the games industry differ from the propositions of the industry life-cycle theory in two respects. Firstly, innovative activity has not levelled off in either hardware or software. Secondly, game development has remained an unconcentrated industry. The innovative activity is explained by the constant need for novelty common to all cultural industries and it manifests in the key role that the production of original ideas has in game development firms. The low level of concentration is explained by lesser economies of scale caused by increasing management challenges and the increasing risk of bankruptcy with increase in firm size.
The study contributes (1) by applying the industry life-cycle theory to the cultural domain, (2) by combining the phenomena listed in the cultural industries literature and analysing their effect on industry dynamics, (3) by examining the evolution of the games industry in both hardware and software sectors and (4) by highlighting the micromechanisms that produce industry dynamics. The study also has implications for policy-making and management practice. These relate to different forms of public funding, education, outsourcing and the key role of original IP.
Sihvonen, Tanja
Players unleashed! Modding The Sims and the culture of gaming Väitöskirja
Mediatutkimus, Turun yliopisto, 2009, ISBN: 978-951-29-3941-1.
Links | BibTeX | Avainsanat: englanninkieliset väitöskirjat
title = {Players unleashed! Modding The Sims and the culture of gaming},
author = {Tanja Sihvonen},
url = {https://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-951-29-3941-1},
isbn = {978-951-29-3941-1},
year = {2009},
date = {2009-01-01},
school = {Mediatutkimus, Turun yliopisto},
keywords = {englanninkieliset väitöskirjat},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {phdthesis}
Sotamaa, Olli
The player's game: Towards understanding player production among computer game cultures Väitöskirja
Mediatutkimus, Turun yliopisto, 2009, ISBN: 978-951-44-7650-1.
Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Avainsanat: digital games, englanninkieliset väitöskirjat, game culture, game industry, player production, player-centred design
title = {The player's game: Towards understanding player production among computer game cultures},
author = {Olli Sotamaa},
url = {https://urn.fi/urn:isbn:978-951-44-7651-8},
isbn = {978-951-44-7650-1},
year = {2009},
date = {2009-01-01},
school = {Mediatutkimus, Turun yliopisto},
abstract = {This dissertation presents a cultural approach to player production. The contribution of my work to the current scholarship on players is to broaden the understanding of the relation between play and other forms of game cultural productivity. The dissertation suggests that as the manifestations of gaming hobby break out of magic circle of play , the productive activities of players become central to our understanding of games and gaming.
While game studies have so far been pretty good in identifying the structural elements of game systems and the different motivations of players, they have mostly not touched the larger social structures and industrial systems that ultimately shape both the games that are offered to players and the ways they are played. Whilst we know quite a lot about how the rules can be used to guide and constrict players activities, the rules that direct player production are scarcely investigated. This dissertation provides an approach to how these regulations and byelaws could be studied.
Instead of sticking to the game world boundaries the dissertation turns the focus to the larger dynamics of game culture and examines the opportunities and constraints provided by the current game industry paradigms. The underlying interest is in outlining games as profoundly co-produced entities which can be only understood if both the contributions of developers and other industry bodies and the investments of players are taken into account.
The dissertation consists of six articles and a lengthy overview section. The introductory chapters provide theoretical and historical background for the approach. The articles introduce practical case studies and apply, discuss and develop further the starting points. While various dimensions of player production are elaborated in the introductory chapters, the articles focus mostly on the players productive practices that result in new game elements (game modifications) and the ones that exploit the game software to produce entirely new digital objects (machinima).
The dissertation is committed to a particular notion of the nature of play. I argue that segregating the sphere of play from ordinary life , utility and productivity runs the risk of hiding the similarities and interesting connections between play and the related realms. Rather than happening in a given magic circle , the space for play needs to be negotiated. I have in the thesis examined how these negotiations spread beyond the borders of the game as games are increasingly integrated into our daily lives. Secondly the study suggests that also the boundaries between players and producers are by definition blurred and actively negotiated. I further argue in favour of conceptualizing player production as a network of activities. The composition and dynamics of this network are guided by forms of gaming capital.
Finally, the dissertation seriously questions the tendency of studying media consumption and production in separation. As the media practices are becoming increasingly participatory and co-operative, it is difficult to argue for keeping these domains of research apart from each other. Player production highlights how digital media products are increasingly also tools that allow media consumers not only to personalize their experiences but also to share and circulate their productions. This furthermore underlines the need to abandon the dichotomous and stabile either-or models and the demand for holistic studies of the emerging media culture. While the industry bodies take part in shaping the emerging player cultural formations, it is at the same time increasingly difficult to understand game industry without taking players into account. In this respect, game cultures originate in various sites, often defined both by resistance, exploitation and mutually beneficial relations.},
keywords = {digital games, englanninkieliset väitöskirjat, game culture, game industry, player production, player-centred design},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {phdthesis}
While game studies have so far been pretty good in identifying the structural elements of game systems and the different motivations of players, they have mostly not touched the larger social structures and industrial systems that ultimately shape both the games that are offered to players and the ways they are played. Whilst we know quite a lot about how the rules can be used to guide and constrict players activities, the rules that direct player production are scarcely investigated. This dissertation provides an approach to how these regulations and byelaws could be studied.
Instead of sticking to the game world boundaries the dissertation turns the focus to the larger dynamics of game culture and examines the opportunities and constraints provided by the current game industry paradigms. The underlying interest is in outlining games as profoundly co-produced entities which can be only understood if both the contributions of developers and other industry bodies and the investments of players are taken into account.
The dissertation consists of six articles and a lengthy overview section. The introductory chapters provide theoretical and historical background for the approach. The articles introduce practical case studies and apply, discuss and develop further the starting points. While various dimensions of player production are elaborated in the introductory chapters, the articles focus mostly on the players productive practices that result in new game elements (game modifications) and the ones that exploit the game software to produce entirely new digital objects (machinima).
The dissertation is committed to a particular notion of the nature of play. I argue that segregating the sphere of play from ordinary life , utility and productivity runs the risk of hiding the similarities and interesting connections between play and the related realms. Rather than happening in a given magic circle , the space for play needs to be negotiated. I have in the thesis examined how these negotiations spread beyond the borders of the game as games are increasingly integrated into our daily lives. Secondly the study suggests that also the boundaries between players and producers are by definition blurred and actively negotiated. I further argue in favour of conceptualizing player production as a network of activities. The composition and dynamics of this network are guided by forms of gaming capital.
Finally, the dissertation seriously questions the tendency of studying media consumption and production in separation. As the media practices are becoming increasingly participatory and co-operative, it is difficult to argue for keeping these domains of research apart from each other. Player production highlights how digital media products are increasingly also tools that allow media consumers not only to personalize their experiences but also to share and circulate their productions. This furthermore underlines the need to abandon the dichotomous and stabile either-or models and the demand for holistic studies of the emerging media culture. While the industry bodies take part in shaping the emerging player cultural formations, it is at the same time increasingly difficult to understand game industry without taking players into account. In this respect, game cultures originate in various sites, often defined both by resistance, exploitation and mutually beneficial relations.
Bonanno, Philip
Learning through collaborative gaming: A process-oriented pedagogy? Väitöskirja
Kasvatustiede, Joensuun yliopisto, 2008, ISBN: 978-952-219-167-0.
Links | BibTeX | Avainsanat: englanninkieliset väitöskirjat
title = {Learning through collaborative gaming: A process-oriented pedagogy?},
author = {Philip Bonanno},
url = {http://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-952-219-167-0},
isbn = {978-952-219-167-0},
year = {2008},
date = {2008-01-01},
urldate = {2008-01-01},
school = {Kasvatustiede, Joensuun yliopisto},
keywords = {englanninkieliset väitöskirjat},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {phdthesis}
Hyvönen, Pirkko
Affordances of playful learning environment for tutoring playing and learning Väitöskirja
Kasvatustiede, Lapin yliopisto, 2008, ISBN: 978-952-484-262-4.
Abstract | BibTeX | Avainsanat: affordance, curriculum, englanninkieliset väitöskirjat, grounded theory, pedagogical model, playful learning environment, playfulness, pre-primary and basic education
title = {Affordances of playful learning environment for tutoring playing and learning},
author = {Pirkko Hyvönen},
isbn = {978-952-484-262-4},
year = {2008},
date = {2008-01-01},
urldate = {2008-01-01},
school = {Kasvatustiede, Lapin yliopisto},
abstract = {This study investigated the affordances of playful learning environments (PLE) for tutoring, playing and learning in the context of pre-primary and basic education. A PLE is an outdoor construction that provides an additional informal learning environment, with or without technological solutions. Theoretically, this study draws on the sociocultural tradition and ecological psychology, in which the environment is perceived as an intrinsic element of individual psychology. A salient concept in ecological psychology is ‘affordance’, a term coined by James J. Gibson. Affordances are the elements within a given situation that allow a human or animal to perform specific actions. In this study, affordances describe the “action possibilities” (Gibson, 1979) of PLEs that support tutoring, playing and learning. In Study I, a pedagogical model of Tutoring-Playing-Learning was designed, and the quality of play was defined. Study II investigated what children desire from a play environment. It was found that the ideal play world includes physical activity, nature, and animals, with rich and varied emotional components that vary slightly for girls and boys. Both genders seek excitement and amusement in their play experiences. Study III explored teacher’s expectations of PLEs. The results revealed that teachers expect PLEs to offer activities beneficial to understanding and learning that cannot be implemented in classrooms. Study IV explored teacher’s views on play in the school context. Different types of play used in schools were distinguished. The role of teachers in play can be as a leader, allower, or afforder. Study V explored collaborative play (ColPlay) between genders in the school context. The data indicated that the most effective forms of ColPlay are role-play and outdoor play, but gender collaboration needs to be practiced. The overall purpose of this research was to consider the results of the studies from a higher theoretical level, using the concept of affordance. The most significant results were as follows: (1) The use of PLE with the pedagogical models presented in this study encouraged the integration of play and the curriculum with formal and informal learning environments. (2) For children, PLEs afford playful learning through physical activities that provide various emotional experiences in a natural environment. Affordances included an increase in learning outcomes, social interaction, and school enjoyment. Playfulness in learning provides embodiment, emotion, collaboration, action, narration, creativity, insight, authenticity, and concretization. (3) PLEs afford meaningful ways to use technology in teaching and learning. (4) Preventing affordances included teacher’s concerns that they may become overloaded and require additional technical skills. Playful learning environments in which children interact with teachers provide various possibilities for perceiving hidden affordances. Complex environments can provide hidden affordances and thus, learning through play. Teacher training should consider these results when teaching pedagogical methods.},
keywords = {affordance, curriculum, englanninkieliset väitöskirjat, grounded theory, pedagogical model, playful learning environment, playfulness, pre-primary and basic education},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {phdthesis}
Järvinen, Aki
Games without frontiers: Theories and methods for game studies and design Väitöskirja
Mediakulttuuri, Tampereen yliopisto, 2008, ISBN: 978-951-44-7252-7.
Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Avainsanat: englanninkieliset väitöskirjat
title = {Games without frontiers: Theories and methods for game studies and design},
author = {Aki Järvinen},
url = {https://urn.fi/urn:isbn:978-951-44-7252-7},
isbn = {978-951-44-7252-7},
year = {2008},
date = {2008-01-01},
urldate = {2008-01-01},
school = {Mediakulttuuri, Tampereen yliopisto},
abstract = {Pelialan ammattilainen väittelee pelien tutkimus- ja suunnittelumenetelmistä
Aki Järvisen väitöskirja käsittelee pelien tutkimista ja suunnittelemista. Games without Frontiers: Theories and Methods for Game Studies and Design on lähes kymmenvuotisen tutkimus- ja kehitystyön tulos, jota Järvinen on valmistellut peleihin liittyvien työtehtävien rinnalla. Tutkimus on monitieteinen kokonaisesitys peleistä ja pelaamisesta sekä siitä, miten aihetta voidaan akateemisesti tutkia ihmistieteiden näkökulmista.
Games without Frontiers kattaa nimensä mukaisesti "pelit vailla rajoja" eli sen perustana on yli sadan pelin empiirinen otanta, joka sisältää niin video- ja tietokonepelejä, lautapelejä, korttipelejä, rahapelejä kuin televisiovisailuitakin. Tutkimus soveltaa mm. psykologian ja estetiikan teorioita tähdäten käytännön sovelluksiin pelien tuottamisessa ja tutkimisessa.
Väitöskirjan pääasialliseen yleisöön kuuluvat paitsi peleistä kiinnostuneet tutkijat myös pelialan opettajat, opiskelijat sekä pelisuunnittelijat. Järvinen on luennoinut tutkimustyöstään viljalti maailmalla, mikä kertoo työn merkittävyydestä kansainvälisesti. Hänen tutkimushavaintojaan valittiin vuoden 2007 kymmenen merkittävimmän pelejä koskevan tutkimuslöydöksen joukkoon parhaillaan Kaliforniassa koolla olevassa Game Developers Conferencessa.},
keywords = {englanninkieliset väitöskirjat},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {phdthesis}
Aki Järvisen väitöskirja käsittelee pelien tutkimista ja suunnittelemista. Games without Frontiers: Theories and Methods for Game Studies and Design on lähes kymmenvuotisen tutkimus- ja kehitystyön tulos, jota Järvinen on valmistellut peleihin liittyvien työtehtävien rinnalla. Tutkimus on monitieteinen kokonaisesitys peleistä ja pelaamisesta sekä siitä, miten aihetta voidaan akateemisesti tutkia ihmistieteiden näkökulmista.
Games without Frontiers kattaa nimensä mukaisesti "pelit vailla rajoja" eli sen perustana on yli sadan pelin empiirinen otanta, joka sisältää niin video- ja tietokonepelejä, lautapelejä, korttipelejä, rahapelejä kuin televisiovisailuitakin. Tutkimus soveltaa mm. psykologian ja estetiikan teorioita tähdäten käytännön sovelluksiin pelien tuottamisessa ja tutkimisessa.
Väitöskirjan pääasialliseen yleisöön kuuluvat paitsi peleistä kiinnostuneet tutkijat myös pelialan opettajat, opiskelijat sekä pelisuunnittelijat. Järvinen on luennoinut tutkimustyöstään viljalti maailmalla, mikä kertoo työn merkittävyydestä kansainvälisesti. Hänen tutkimushavaintojaan valittiin vuoden 2007 kymmenen merkittävimmän pelejä koskevan tutkimuslöydöksen joukkoon parhaillaan Kaliforniassa koolla olevassa Game Developers Conferencessa.
Nousiainen, Tuula
Children’s involvement in the design of game-based learning environments Väitöskirja
Tietojärjestelmätiede, Jyväskylän yliopisto, 2008, ISBN: 978-951-39-3449-1.
Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Avainsanat: children's participation, development research, englanninkieliset väitöskirjat, game-based learning environments, user involvement
title = {Children’s involvement in the design of game-based learning environments},
author = {Tuula Nousiainen},
url = {http://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-951-39-3449-1},
isbn = {978-951-39-3449-1},
year = {2008},
date = {2008-01-01},
urldate = {2008-01-01},
school = {Tietojärjestelmätiede, Jyväskylän yliopisto},
abstract = {This study examines the involvement of children in the development of game-based learning environments. It aims to build a rich picture of the process and the effects of children’s participation in technology design projects and to apply, modify, and develop methods and practices to be used in this context.In this study, user involvement is investigated in terms of two dimensions: its process and its goals. The former explores the structure of the process and the methods employed in the involvement of users, as well as the collaboration between developers and users. The latter addresses the role of user expertise and the actual context, the empowerment of the users, and the quality of the outcome. These issues are examined from the points of view of both children and developers, as well as through the observation of participation activities and the analysis of the final products.The research was carried out at the Agora Center, University of Jyväskylä, within the development projects of two game-based learning environments – Talarius and Virtual Peatland. In each project, there was one elementary school class as the principal participant group. The research was conducted using development research as the main approach, and the research process was cyclical, with the results from the first project informing the planning and conducting of the other.Participation in a technology design project provides children with valuable opportunities both for learning and for voicing their opinions. In order to feel ownership over the final product, however, children need to see their contributions in the outcomes very concretely and be able to clearly follow and influence the evolution of their ideas throughout the process. As a response to challenges regarding the feeling of ownership, ways of building a more gradual and transparent process of involvement and the adoption of concrete content creation as a new element of participation are suggested. The results can be applied both in future design projects conducted with children, but also in a broader context, especially in classrooms to support children’s technology and new media literacy skills.},
keywords = {children's participation, development research, englanninkieliset väitöskirjat, game-based learning environments, user involvement},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {phdthesis}
Hämäläinen, Perttu
Tietotekniikka, Teknillinen korkeakoulu, 2007, ISBN: 978-951-22-8705-5.
Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Avainsanat: animation, computer games, computer vision, englanninkieliset väitöskirjat, interaction design, mixed reality, music, signal processing, sports
title = {Novel applications of real-time audiovisual signal processing technology for art and sports education and entertainment},
author = {Perttu Hämäläinen},
url = {http://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi:tkk-009128},
isbn = {978-951-22-8705-5},
year = {2007},
date = {2007-01-01},
urldate = {2007-01-01},
school = {Tietotekniikka, Teknillinen korkeakoulu},
abstract = {This thesis explores the possibilities of real-time audiovisual signal processing in the context of human-computer interfaces. Novel embodied interaction applications are presented, including two computer games controlled by body movements and voice, two computer games played by singing, software and an installation for creating clay animation, and interactive video "magic" mirrors for martial arts training. The common denominators for the case studies are 1) the use of cameras and microphones as the input devices, 2) processing and analyzing the audiovisual input to generate visual feedback that can make it easier for the users to detect and correct errors in their performance, and 3) a holistic approach to interaction design, including not only the user and a computer, but the context of interaction as well, e.g., the social setting and the differences between the real and the virtual environments.
In edutainment (education and entertainment) software, the interface sets the limits for the user's actions. The thesis demonstrates how embodied interaction can widen the scope of edutainment to encompass new skills, in this case martial arts, singing, and modelling and animating clay. The thesis also contributes to computer vision technology in the form of practical vision systems that interpret low-level image features according to the application context. For example, in Kick Ass Kung-Fu, an embodied martial arts game, several simultaneous users can fight against computer-generated virtual enemies. The players can wield weapons such as swords, and no specific clothing or markers are needed.},
keywords = {animation, computer games, computer vision, englanninkieliset väitöskirjat, interaction design, mixed reality, music, signal processing, sports},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {phdthesis}
In edutainment (education and entertainment) software, the interface sets the limits for the user's actions. The thesis demonstrates how embodied interaction can widen the scope of edutainment to encompass new skills, in this case martial arts, singing, and modelling and animating clay. The thesis also contributes to computer vision technology in the form of practical vision systems that interpret low-level image features according to the application context. For example, in Kick Ass Kung-Fu, an embodied martial arts game, several simultaneous users can fight against computer-generated virtual enemies. The players can wield weapons such as swords, and no specific clothing or markers are needed.
Siitonen, Marko
Social interaction in online multiplayer communities Väitöskirja
Puheviestintä, Jyväskylän yliopisto, 2007, ISBN: 978-951-39-2931-2.
Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Avainsanat: englanninkieliset väitöskirjat, identiteetti, pelaajat, pelaaminen, roolit, sosiaalinen käyttäytyminen, sosiaalinen vuorovaikutus, sosiaaliset verkostot, sosiaalisuus, tietokonepelit, tietoverkot, verkkopelit, verkkoyhteisöt, viestintä, vuorovaikutus, yhteisöllisyys, yhteisöt
title = {Social interaction in online multiplayer communities},
author = {Marko Siitonen},
url = {http://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-951-39-2931-2},
isbn = {978-951-39-2931-2},
year = {2007},
date = {2007-01-01},
urldate = {2007-01-01},
school = {Puheviestintä, Jyväskylän yliopisto},
abstract = {The main purpose of this study is to describe and understand the dynamics of social interaction in online multiplayer computer gaming communities. Online multiplayer gaming has been growing in popularity alongside the general growth of computer networks. Today, millions of people all around the world are playing online multiplayer games, many of which promote cooperation and competition between gamers as an integral part of the game. A substantial amount of gamers are therefore involved in the various social networks that exist within the context.This study was conducted qualitatively, and subscribes to the starting points of naturalistic or interpretative research. The data were collected by a year-long participant observation in two different online multiplayer communities in the game Anarchy Online, and by interviewing members (n=15) of multiplayer communities with varying backgrounds and gaming experience. The data were analyzed following an inductive approach with similarities to a grounded theory approach.The study considers the concept of community in the context of computer-mediated communication in general and of multiplayer games in particular. The various dynamics of social interaction within multiplayer communities are analyzed. These include the motivations behind membership in multiplayer communities, the processes of establishing roles and rules within a multiplayer community, the emergence of social identity, and conflicts and the disbandment of multiplayer communities. The study paints a picture of multiplayer communities as complex and varied social networks where constant negotiation of the values, norms and rules of the community contributes to the emergence of a shared understanding of the symbolic reality of the community and a shared social identity. The methodological questions concerning the study of social interaction in multiplayer communities are discussed in detail. Towards the end of the discussion attention is drawn to several aspects of social interaction in multiplayer communities that warrant further study.},
keywords = {englanninkieliset väitöskirjat, identiteetti, pelaajat, pelaaminen, roolit, sosiaalinen käyttäytyminen, sosiaalinen vuorovaikutus, sosiaaliset verkostot, sosiaalisuus, tietokonepelit, tietoverkot, verkkopelit, verkkoyhteisöt, viestintä, vuorovaikutus, yhteisöllisyys, yhteisöt},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {phdthesis}
Arrasvuori, Juha
Playing and making music: Exploring the similarities between video games and music-making software Väitöskirja
Etnomusikologia, Tampereen yliopisto, 2006, ISBN: 951-44-6689-6.
Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Avainsanat: englanninkieliset väitöskirjat
title = {Playing and making music: Exploring the similarities between video games and music-making software},
author = {Juha Arrasvuori},
url = {https://urn.fi/urn:isbn:951-44-6689-6},
isbn = {951-44-6689-6},
year = {2006},
date = {2006-01-01},
urldate = {2006-01-01},
school = {Etnomusikologia, Tampereen yliopisto},
abstract = {Tampereen yliopistossa tarkastettavassa väitöstutkimuksessa selvitetään millaisia periaatteita tulisi soveltaa kun pelillisyys halutaan yhdistää musiikin tekemiseen.
Sony PlayStation 2 videopelikonsolilla käytettävillä musiikinteko-ohjelmistoilla tehdään musiikkia valitsemalla, muuntelemalla ja yhdistelemällä digitaalisia äänitiedostoja niiden visuaalisten representaatioiden kautta. Tällainen musiikin tekemisen menetelmä määritellään tutkimuksessa epälineaariseksi moniraitasäveltämiseksi. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on taustoittaa sellaisten videopelien suunnittelua, joissa pelaaminen yhdistyy epälineaariseen moniraitasäveltämiseen.
Tutkimuksessa osoitetaan miten musiikinteko-ohjelmistot ovat yhteensopivia moniraitastudioiden laitteiden kanssa. Musiikinteko-ohjelmistoilla pystytään toteuttamaan seuraavat epälineaarisen moniraitasäveltämisen tekniikat: samplaaminen, äänisuunnittelu, miksaaminen, ohjelmointi, äänen spatialisointi ja remiksaaminen. Tutkimuksessa määritellään näiden tekniikoiden taustat ja annetaan esimerkkejä siitä miten tekniikoita on hyödynnetty musiikin tekemisessä.
Tutkimuksessa vertaillaan musiikinteko-ohjelmistoja seuraaviin videopelien ominaisuuksiin: formaalit elementit, dramaattiset elementit, videopelit systeemeinä ja simulaatioina, sekä jäljittely pelaamisessa. Musiikin tekemistä videopeleillä ja musiikinteko-ohjelmistoilla tarkastellaan käsitteiden ludus ja paidia kautta. Ludus määritellään pelaamiseksi, jossa on tavoitteena tuottaa esim. voittaja tai ennätystulos. Paidia määritellään vapaammaksi leikkimiseksi, jossa ei ole tällaisia tavoitteita.
Musiikinteko-ohjelmistoille ja videopeleille osoitetaan seuraavat olennaiset yhtäläisyydet. Musiikinteko-ohjelmistot muistuttavat videopelejä joissa pelaaminen yhdistyy luomiseen ja kokeiluun. Kuten videopeleissä joissa on pyrkimyksenä rakentaminen, myös musiikinteko-ohjelmistoilla tehdään objekteja valitsemalla, muuntelemalla ja sijoittelemalla esivalmistettuja komponentteja. Musiikinteko-ohjelmistot tulkitaan avoimiksi simulaatioiksi eli eräänlaisiksi "leikkikentiksi", jotka tarjoavat välineet ja materiaalit musiikin tekemiseen paidia lähestymistavalla.
Musiikinteko-ohjelmistoille ja videopeleille osoitetaan seuraavat keskeiset eroavuudet. Musiikinteko-ohjelmistoissa ei ole monien pelien tapaan yksiselitteisiä tavoitteita, joiden saavuttaminen päättäisi musiikin tekemisen. Musiikinteko-ohjelmistot eivät motivoi musiikin tekemistä samoilla tavoilla kun pelit motivoivat pelaajia (esim. palkkioilla ja mukauttamalla haasteellisuutta taitoja vastaavaksi), eivätkä anna pelien tapaan palautetta. Resurssien hallinta on keskeistä useassa pelissä. Musiikinteko-ohjelmistojen toiminnot ja äänitiedostot eivät ole resursseja, sillä niiden käyttöä ei ole rajoitettu. Musiikinteko-ohjelmistot eivät vaikuta musiikintekijän käyttäytymiseen kuten pelit vaikuttavat pelaajien käyttäytymiseen määrittelemällä tietyt pelaamisen lopputuloksista toisia arvokkaammiksi. Musiikinteko-ohjelmistoissa ei ole konfliktia kuten ludus-tyyppisissä peleissä koska musiikin tekemiseen ei liity kilpailua eikä sen lopputuloksena ole voittajia ja häviäjiä, eikä pistein tai muuten määrällisesti mitattua tulosta. Täten musiikin tekeminen musiikinteko-ohjelmistoilla ei ole ludus-tyyppistä pelaamista.
Tutkimuksen tuloksena esitetään suunnitteluperiaatteita uusille videopeleille, joissa epälineaarinen moniraitasäveltäminen yhdistyy pelaamiseen. Ludus-tyyppistä pelaamista ja epälineaarista moniraitasäveltämistä yhdistävien pelien sääntöjen tulee määritellä lopputulos joka on vaihteleva, määrällisesti mitattavissa oleva ja arvotettu. Tällaisiin lopputuloksiin päästään esim. määrittelemällä musiikin tekemisen välineet ja materiaalit resursseiksi ja mittaamalla niiden käyttöä.},
keywords = {englanninkieliset väitöskirjat},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {phdthesis}
Sony PlayStation 2 videopelikonsolilla käytettävillä musiikinteko-ohjelmistoilla tehdään musiikkia valitsemalla, muuntelemalla ja yhdistelemällä digitaalisia äänitiedostoja niiden visuaalisten representaatioiden kautta. Tällainen musiikin tekemisen menetelmä määritellään tutkimuksessa epälineaariseksi moniraitasäveltämiseksi. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on taustoittaa sellaisten videopelien suunnittelua, joissa pelaaminen yhdistyy epälineaariseen moniraitasäveltämiseen.
Tutkimuksessa osoitetaan miten musiikinteko-ohjelmistot ovat yhteensopivia moniraitastudioiden laitteiden kanssa. Musiikinteko-ohjelmistoilla pystytään toteuttamaan seuraavat epälineaarisen moniraitasäveltämisen tekniikat: samplaaminen, äänisuunnittelu, miksaaminen, ohjelmointi, äänen spatialisointi ja remiksaaminen. Tutkimuksessa määritellään näiden tekniikoiden taustat ja annetaan esimerkkejä siitä miten tekniikoita on hyödynnetty musiikin tekemisessä.
Tutkimuksessa vertaillaan musiikinteko-ohjelmistoja seuraaviin videopelien ominaisuuksiin: formaalit elementit, dramaattiset elementit, videopelit systeemeinä ja simulaatioina, sekä jäljittely pelaamisessa. Musiikin tekemistä videopeleillä ja musiikinteko-ohjelmistoilla tarkastellaan käsitteiden ludus ja paidia kautta. Ludus määritellään pelaamiseksi, jossa on tavoitteena tuottaa esim. voittaja tai ennätystulos. Paidia määritellään vapaammaksi leikkimiseksi, jossa ei ole tällaisia tavoitteita.
Musiikinteko-ohjelmistoille ja videopeleille osoitetaan seuraavat olennaiset yhtäläisyydet. Musiikinteko-ohjelmistot muistuttavat videopelejä joissa pelaaminen yhdistyy luomiseen ja kokeiluun. Kuten videopeleissä joissa on pyrkimyksenä rakentaminen, myös musiikinteko-ohjelmistoilla tehdään objekteja valitsemalla, muuntelemalla ja sijoittelemalla esivalmistettuja komponentteja. Musiikinteko-ohjelmistot tulkitaan avoimiksi simulaatioiksi eli eräänlaisiksi "leikkikentiksi", jotka tarjoavat välineet ja materiaalit musiikin tekemiseen paidia lähestymistavalla.
Musiikinteko-ohjelmistoille ja videopeleille osoitetaan seuraavat keskeiset eroavuudet. Musiikinteko-ohjelmistoissa ei ole monien pelien tapaan yksiselitteisiä tavoitteita, joiden saavuttaminen päättäisi musiikin tekemisen. Musiikinteko-ohjelmistot eivät motivoi musiikin tekemistä samoilla tavoilla kun pelit motivoivat pelaajia (esim. palkkioilla ja mukauttamalla haasteellisuutta taitoja vastaavaksi), eivätkä anna pelien tapaan palautetta. Resurssien hallinta on keskeistä useassa pelissä. Musiikinteko-ohjelmistojen toiminnot ja äänitiedostot eivät ole resursseja, sillä niiden käyttöä ei ole rajoitettu. Musiikinteko-ohjelmistot eivät vaikuta musiikintekijän käyttäytymiseen kuten pelit vaikuttavat pelaajien käyttäytymiseen määrittelemällä tietyt pelaamisen lopputuloksista toisia arvokkaammiksi. Musiikinteko-ohjelmistoissa ei ole konfliktia kuten ludus-tyyppisissä peleissä koska musiikin tekemiseen ei liity kilpailua eikä sen lopputuloksena ole voittajia ja häviäjiä, eikä pistein tai muuten määrällisesti mitattua tulosta. Täten musiikin tekeminen musiikinteko-ohjelmistoilla ei ole ludus-tyyppistä pelaamista.
Tutkimuksen tuloksena esitetään suunnitteluperiaatteita uusille videopeleille, joissa epälineaarinen moniraitasäveltäminen yhdistyy pelaamiseen. Ludus-tyyppistä pelaamista ja epälineaarista moniraitasäveltämistä yhdistävien pelien sääntöjen tulee määritellä lopputulos joka on vaihteleva, määrällisesti mitattavissa oleva ja arvotettu. Tällaisiin lopputuloksiin päästään esim. määrittelemällä musiikin tekemisen välineet ja materiaalit resursseiksi ja mittaamalla niiden käyttöä.
Höysniemi, Johanna
Design and evaluation of physically interactive games Väitöskirja
Vuorovaikutteinen teknologia, Tampereen yliopisto, 2006, ISBN: 951-44-6694-2.
Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Avainsanat: englanninkieliset väitöskirjat
title = {Design and evaluation of physically interactive games},
author = {Johanna Höysniemi},
url = {https://urn.fi/urn:isbn:951-44-6694-2},
isbn = {951-44-6694-2},
year = {2006},
date = {2006-01-01},
urldate = {2006-01-01},
school = {Vuorovaikutteinen teknologia, Tampereen yliopisto},
abstract = {Voiko tietokonepelaaminen kasvattaa fyysistä kuntoa? Miltä tuntuisi, jos saisit pelihahmosi lentämään käsiäsi heiluttamalla? Onko liikunnallisella pelaamisella tulevaisuutta uutena liikuntamuotona?
Tietokonepelejä ohjataan yleensä kädessä pidettävillä peliohjaimilla tai hiirellä ja näppäimistöllä, jotka ovat kytkettynä pelilaitteeseen. Nämä peliohjaustavat rajoittavat huomattavasti pelaajan liikettä ja saavat hänet istumaan pitkiä aikoja tietokoneen näytön tai television edessä. On esitetty, että pitkäkestoinen ja fyysisesti passivoiva pelaaminen voivat aiheuttaa fysiologisia ongelmia, kuten käsi-, selkä- ja silmävammoja. Digitaaliset pelit kilpailevat myös liikuntaharrastuksiin käytettävästä ajasta ja voivat olla yhtenä osatekijänä liikalihavuuden lisääntymiseen länsimaissa.
Tietokonepelaamisen kasvattaessa suosiotaan ajanvietemuotona on tärkeää, että myös vaihtoehtoisia peliohjauksen muotoja kehitetään terveysongelmien välttämiseksi. Fyysinen pelaaminen perustuu koko kehon tai isojen lihasryhmien käyttöön tietokonepelin ohjaamiseksi. Liikunnallisen pelin ideana on, että pelaaja joutuu ponnistelemaan fyysisesti pelin kuluessa ja samalla kehittämään liikunnallisia taitojaan. Kehollinen vuorovaikutus perustuu uudenlaisten peliohjaimien, kuten web-kameroiden, sensoreiden ja urheiluvälineitä simuloivien ohjaimien käyttöön. Liikunnallisten pelien keskeisenä suunnitteluhaasteena on se, miten pelistä saadaan viihdyttävä, käytettävä sekä pelaajalleen fyysisesti sopiva.
Tampereen yliopistossa tarkastettavassa väitöskirjassa tarkastellaan fyysisen peliohjauksen tapojen intuitiivisuutta ja niiden soveltuvuutta eri kohderyhmille. Tutkimusta tehtiin kolmessa tapaustutkimuksessa, joissa kohderyhminä olivat lapset, taistelulajien harrastajat ja tanssipelaajat. Lisäksi väitöskirjassa tarkastellaan ja kehitetään menetelmiä, joilla käyttäjätutkimuksia tulisi tehdä fyysisten tietokonepelien alalla. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin myös liikunnallisen pelaamisen ympärille syntyneitä pelikulttuureita ja pelaamisen vaikutuksia pelaajien terveyteen sekä sosiaalisiin suhteisiin.
Väitöskirja osoittaa, että peliohjauksen laatutekijät, reagoivuus, intuitiivisuus ja fyysinen sopivuus, ovat keskeisiä liikunnallisen pelin suunnittelussa. Erityisesti pelin ohjaamisessa käytettävien liikkeiden suunnittelu ja arviointi tulee tehdä yhdessä kohderyhmän kanssa. Tutkimuksessa kävi ilmi, että kehollinen pelivuorovaikutus voi saada pelin tuntumaan realistisemmalta. Haittapuolena on se, että pelissä toistetut liikkeet voivat ohjata vääriin toimintamalleihin pelitilanteen ulkopuolella. Liikunnallisella pelaamisella todettiin olevan positiivisia vaikutuksia pelaajien peruskestävyyteen, lihasvoimaan, koordinaatiokykyyn sekä reaktionopeuteen. Kaikki väitöstyön aikana tehdyt käyttäjätutkimukset korostavat fyysisen pelaamisen sosiaalisia puolia. Pelitilanne luo usein puitteet, jossa sekä pelaaja että peliyleisö vaikuttavat yhdessä pelikokemukseen. Fyysinen pelaaminen tarjoaa pelaajille kehollisen ilmaisun mahdollisuuksia ja taitavimpia pelaajia ihaillaan. Erityisesti tanssipelaamisen ympärille on syntynyt laajoja peliyhteisöjä, joiden piirissä tuhannet nuoret harjoittelevat ja kilpailevat urheilijoiden tapaan.},
keywords = {englanninkieliset väitöskirjat},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {phdthesis}
Tietokonepelejä ohjataan yleensä kädessä pidettävillä peliohjaimilla tai hiirellä ja näppäimistöllä, jotka ovat kytkettynä pelilaitteeseen. Nämä peliohjaustavat rajoittavat huomattavasti pelaajan liikettä ja saavat hänet istumaan pitkiä aikoja tietokoneen näytön tai television edessä. On esitetty, että pitkäkestoinen ja fyysisesti passivoiva pelaaminen voivat aiheuttaa fysiologisia ongelmia, kuten käsi-, selkä- ja silmävammoja. Digitaaliset pelit kilpailevat myös liikuntaharrastuksiin käytettävästä ajasta ja voivat olla yhtenä osatekijänä liikalihavuuden lisääntymiseen länsimaissa.
Tietokonepelaamisen kasvattaessa suosiotaan ajanvietemuotona on tärkeää, että myös vaihtoehtoisia peliohjauksen muotoja kehitetään terveysongelmien välttämiseksi. Fyysinen pelaaminen perustuu koko kehon tai isojen lihasryhmien käyttöön tietokonepelin ohjaamiseksi. Liikunnallisen pelin ideana on, että pelaaja joutuu ponnistelemaan fyysisesti pelin kuluessa ja samalla kehittämään liikunnallisia taitojaan. Kehollinen vuorovaikutus perustuu uudenlaisten peliohjaimien, kuten web-kameroiden, sensoreiden ja urheiluvälineitä simuloivien ohjaimien käyttöön. Liikunnallisten pelien keskeisenä suunnitteluhaasteena on se, miten pelistä saadaan viihdyttävä, käytettävä sekä pelaajalleen fyysisesti sopiva.
Tampereen yliopistossa tarkastettavassa väitöskirjassa tarkastellaan fyysisen peliohjauksen tapojen intuitiivisuutta ja niiden soveltuvuutta eri kohderyhmille. Tutkimusta tehtiin kolmessa tapaustutkimuksessa, joissa kohderyhminä olivat lapset, taistelulajien harrastajat ja tanssipelaajat. Lisäksi väitöskirjassa tarkastellaan ja kehitetään menetelmiä, joilla käyttäjätutkimuksia tulisi tehdä fyysisten tietokonepelien alalla. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin myös liikunnallisen pelaamisen ympärille syntyneitä pelikulttuureita ja pelaamisen vaikutuksia pelaajien terveyteen sekä sosiaalisiin suhteisiin.
Väitöskirja osoittaa, että peliohjauksen laatutekijät, reagoivuus, intuitiivisuus ja fyysinen sopivuus, ovat keskeisiä liikunnallisen pelin suunnittelussa. Erityisesti pelin ohjaamisessa käytettävien liikkeiden suunnittelu ja arviointi tulee tehdä yhdessä kohderyhmän kanssa. Tutkimuksessa kävi ilmi, että kehollinen pelivuorovaikutus voi saada pelin tuntumaan realistisemmalta. Haittapuolena on se, että pelissä toistetut liikkeet voivat ohjata vääriin toimintamalleihin pelitilanteen ulkopuolella. Liikunnallisella pelaamisella todettiin olevan positiivisia vaikutuksia pelaajien peruskestävyyteen, lihasvoimaan, koordinaatiokykyyn sekä reaktionopeuteen. Kaikki väitöstyön aikana tehdyt käyttäjätutkimukset korostavat fyysisen pelaamisen sosiaalisia puolia. Pelitilanne luo usein puitteet, jossa sekä pelaaja että peliyleisö vaikuttavat yhdessä pelikokemukseen. Fyysinen pelaaminen tarjoaa pelaajille kehollisen ilmaisun mahdollisuuksia ja taitavimpia pelaajia ihaillaan. Erityisesti tanssipelaamisen ympärille on syntynyt laajoja peliyhteisöjä, joiden piirissä tuhannet nuoret harjoittelevat ja kilpailevat urheilijoiden tapaan.
Suomela, Riku
Ohjelmistotekniikka, Tampereen teknillinen yliopisto, 2006, ISBN: 952-15-1832-4.
Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Avainsanat: englanninkieliset väitöskirjat
title = {Constructing and examining location-based applications and their user interfaces by applying rapid software development and structural analysis},
author = {Riku Suomela},
url = {http://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:tty-200810021083},
isbn = {952-15-1832-4},
year = {2006},
date = {2006-01-01},
urldate = {2006-01-01},
school = {Ohjelmistotekniikka, Tampereen teknillinen yliopisto},
abstract = {Location-based applications exist at the border of the real and virtual worlds. These two realities are merged into a single experience that provides some added value for the user. Objects in the real world, whose position can be determined, can be projected to the virtual world, and with proper technology, the virtual data can be projected onto the real world. Personal location-based applications serve the needs of an end user and are easily available for them. An interface for personal location-based applications is preferably carried by its user all the time, and possible devices include mobile phones and wearable computers. These devices are very different in nature, and they allow different kinds of applications and user interfaces. This Dr. Tech. dissertation deals with location-based applications and their development. The dissertation is composed of eight research papers, which deal with the construction of location-based applications, user interfaces, and associated theory. Three research methods have been used in this dissertation. Constructive research methods have been applied in location-based application and platform development, empirical methods are used in application evaluation, and theoretical analysis on location-based application UIs. In this dissertation we propose new user interface techniques, and a method for analysing the user interfaces of location-based applications. Rapid development of multi-user location-aware applications have also been studied, with emphasis being on user generated content. Finally, a new way to analyse the structure of location-based applications is proposed.},
keywords = {englanninkieliset väitöskirjat},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {phdthesis}
Kiili, Kristian
On educational game design: Building blocks of flow experience Väitöskirja
Tietotekniikka, Tampereen teknillinen yliopisto, Porin yksikkö, 2005, ISBN: 952-15-1489-2.
Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Avainsanat: englanninkieliset väitöskirjat
title = {On educational game design: Building blocks of flow experience},
author = {Kristian Kiili},
url = {https://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:tty-200810021043},
isbn = {952-15-1489-2},
year = {2005},
date = {2005-01-01},
urldate = {2005-01-01},
school = {Tietotekniikka, Tampereen teknillinen yliopisto, Porin yksikkö},
abstract = {The main objective of this research is to study how game design aspects can be integrated with relevant learning theories in educational games in order to develop games that are both engaging and educative. The design-science framework was employed to construct an experiential gaming model answering to this problem. This research is based on reviews of literature, the design of educational materials, as well as empirical studies. The empirical studies, including both quantitative and qualitative data analysis methods, were conducted in controlled situations during the years 2002-2005. All the materials described in this thesis were developed especially for research purposes in order to ensure that attention could be focused on certain aspects of the phenomenon studied. The thesis presents the construction process of an experiential gaming model that can be used to design and study educational games. The research was carried out in two phases related to two basic activities of design-science, building and evaluating. First, an experiential gaming model was constructed by combining existing knowledge. The aim of the model was to describe the mechanism of learning with games by integrating pedagogical aspects into the design process. Furthermore, the meaning of flow theory, that can be considered as a universal model of enjoyment, was emphasized as a design principle. The experiential gaming model was used to design and implement an educational content management game called IT-Emperor. The evaluation results of IT-Emperor indicated that the experiential gaming model was useful as a design framework, but needed to be revised to better answer the needs of game designers. The final state of this research was reached when the flow antecedents of the revised experiential gaming model were validated through two problem-solving games. This research indicate that flow antecedents that should be considered in educational game design are: challenges matched to a player s skill level, clear goals, unambiguous feedback, a sense of control, playability, gamefulness and a frame story. Further, the results supported the assumption that concentration, time distortion, autotelic experience, and loss of self-consciousness dimensions can be considered as being indicators of flow experience which has a positive impact on learning. As a conclusion, this research has shown that a game design model that takes both pedagogical and game design aspects into consideration, as well as ways of facilitating the experiences of players, could be constructed. The model does not provide a simple recipe for designing effective educational games, but it surely helps to refine the design of successful ones. The overall benefit of the experiential gaming model is in developing fast, low budget educational games that are educative while still engaging and rewarding.},
keywords = {englanninkieliset väitöskirjat},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {phdthesis}
Salokoski, Tarja
Tietokonepelit ja niiden pelaaminen Väitöskirja
Psykologia, Jyväskylän yliopisto, 2005, ISBN: 951-39-2269-3.
Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Avainsanat: asenteet, koululaiset, lapset, nuoret, pelaaminen, suomenkieliset väitöskirjat, tietokonepelit, väkivalta, valvonta, vanhemmat, videopelit
title = {Tietokonepelit ja niiden pelaaminen},
author = {Tarja Salokoski},
url = {http://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:951-39-2269-3},
isbn = {951-39-2269-3},
year = {2005},
date = {2005-01-01},
urldate = {2005-01-01},
school = {Psykologia, Jyväskylän yliopisto},
abstract = {Pelien ikäsuositukset eivät suojaa lapsia pelien väkivallalta. Väkivalta itsessään ei tee kuitenkaan pelistä lasten ja nuorten suosikkia. Riskipelaaminen eli väkivaltaisten pelien suosiminen ja/tai pelien suurkulutus oli yleisempää pojilla kuin tytöillä ja se oli yhteydessä lapsen heikkoa itsehallintaa ilmentävään käyttäytymiseen, aggressiivisuuteen ja levottomuuteen. Pelaamisen aktiivinen valvonta oli yhteydessä vähäiseen riskipelaamiseen. Vain melko harvat vanhemmat valvoivat lastensa pelaamista. Nämä ovat Tarja Salokosken tietokonepelejä käsittelevän väitöstyön keskeisiä tuloksia. Ihmisen kehitys ja sen riskitekijät -huippututkimusyksikössä tehty psykologian alan tutkimus koostui pelien sisällön analyysista ja koululaisten sekä heidän vanhempiensa kyselytutkimuksesta. Salokoski tarkasteli erityisesti pelien väkivaltaisia sisältöjä sekä riskipelaajan motiiveja, asenteita ja taustatekijöitä sekä sitä, miten vanhemmat valvovat pelaamista. Riskipelaamisen Salokoski määritteli väkivaltaa sisältävien pelien suosimiseksi ja/tai pelien suurkulutukseksi.},
keywords = {asenteet, koululaiset, lapset, nuoret, pelaaminen, suomenkieliset väitöskirjat, tietokonepelit, väkivalta, valvonta, vanhemmat, videopelit},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {phdthesis}
Manninen, Tony
Rich interaction model for game and virtual environment design Väitöskirja
Tietojenkäsittelytiede, Oulun yliopisto, 2004, ISBN: 951-42-7254-4.
Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Avainsanat: englanninkieliset väitöskirjat
title = {Rich interaction model for game and virtual environment design},
author = {Tony Manninen},
url = {https://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:9514272544},
isbn = {951-42-7254-4},
year = {2004},
date = {2004-01-01},
school = {Tietojenkäsittelytiede, Oulun yliopisto},
abstract = {The focus of this thesis is on perceivable interaction forms that can be utilised in multi-player computer games and Collaborative Virtual Environments (CVEs). Interaction forms are manifestations of user-user and user-environment interaction. These forms convey the actions of the user to others, and to oneself, during synchronous communication and interaction partially resembling face-to-face encounters in the physical world.
The communication, co-ordination and collaboration difficulties in current 3D CVEs have yet to be overcome. The aim of this thesis is to conceptualise and delineate the available mutually perceivable interaction forms. The research analyses entertainment industry solutions and examines their potential as providers of design implications for CVE systems in general. Furthermore, games are used as platforms in the construction phases of the research. The research answers the problems of what interaction forms exist in multi-player games and what are their main characteristics and how to apply the understanding of possible interaction forms in order to help the design of games and professionally used CVEs? The problems are approached with conceptual analytical and constructive methods. Delineation and categorisation of various interaction forms in games and CVEs is presented. The gap between theoretical models and practical design is bridged by using several empirical cases as a constructive part of the research.
The significance of this research is related to the increasingly important role of CVEs in global organisations and virtual enterprises, as well as in the everyday life of people. The communicational and functional enhancements of the virtual environments and multi-player games make the interpersonal interaction more usable and applicable in computer mediated settings. The research provides a deeper understanding of the concept of interaction forms in the context of CVEs and multi-player games. The results can be used to create more supportive, appealing and communicative applications by applying interaction models and theories in the form of rich interaction design guidelines.
The main contributions of this research are the conceptual models of interaction forms and corresponding rich interaction design suggestions. The results reveal important and neglected aspects of interaction forms to the world of game and virtual environment designers. Combined with the descriptions of interaction design processes the overall outcome of the work is applicable to a wide audience designing or using computer systems that support communication, co-ordination and collaboration.},
keywords = {englanninkieliset väitöskirjat},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {phdthesis}
The communication, co-ordination and collaboration difficulties in current 3D CVEs have yet to be overcome. The aim of this thesis is to conceptualise and delineate the available mutually perceivable interaction forms. The research analyses entertainment industry solutions and examines their potential as providers of design implications for CVE systems in general. Furthermore, games are used as platforms in the construction phases of the research. The research answers the problems of what interaction forms exist in multi-player games and what are their main characteristics and how to apply the understanding of possible interaction forms in order to help the design of games and professionally used CVEs? The problems are approached with conceptual analytical and constructive methods. Delineation and categorisation of various interaction forms in games and CVEs is presented. The gap between theoretical models and practical design is bridged by using several empirical cases as a constructive part of the research.
The significance of this research is related to the increasingly important role of CVEs in global organisations and virtual enterprises, as well as in the everyday life of people. The communicational and functional enhancements of the virtual environments and multi-player games make the interpersonal interaction more usable and applicable in computer mediated settings. The research provides a deeper understanding of the concept of interaction forms in the context of CVEs and multi-player games. The results can be used to create more supportive, appealing and communicative applications by applying interaction models and theories in the form of rich interaction design guidelines.
The main contributions of this research are the conceptual models of interaction forms and corresponding rich interaction design suggestions. The results reveal important and neglected aspects of interaction forms to the world of game and virtual environment designers. Combined with the descriptions of interaction design processes the overall outcome of the work is applicable to a wide audience designing or using computer systems that support communication, co-ordination and collaboration.
Saarikoski, Petri
Koneen lumo: Mikrotietokoneharrastus Suomessa 1970-luvulta 1990-luvun puoliväliin Väitöskirja
Yleinen historia, Turun yliopisto, 2004, ISBN: 978-951-39-7243-1.
Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Avainsanat: suomenkieliset väitöskirjat
title = {Koneen lumo: Mikrotietokoneharrastus Suomessa 1970-luvulta 1990-luvun puoliväliin},
author = {Petri Saarikoski},
url = {978-951-39-7243-1},
isbn = {978-951-39-7243-1},
year = {2004},
date = {2004-01-01},
urldate = {2004-01-01},
school = {Yleinen historia, Turun yliopisto},
abstract = {Millainen on ollut kotitietokoneiden kehityshistoria Suomessa? Kuinka suosittu pelikone oli Commodore 64? Oliko Atari ST parempi kuin Amiga? Koneen lumo vie meidät takaisin aikaan, jolloin mikrotietokoneet olivat vasta tulossa kulutuselektroniikkamarkkinoille. Tutkimus pureutuu tietokoneharrastuksen eri yhteisöjen, kerhojen ja alakulttuurien syntymiseen ja vakiintumisen. Vahvana teemana on hyödyn ja viihteen välinen jännitteinen suhde. Uusien ja ihmeellisten kotitietokoneiden tulo suomalaiseen arkeen ei ollut ristiriidaton tai ongelmaton tapahtuma. Tarkasteluun nousevat myös harrastukseen liittyvät pelot, uhkatekijät ja ennakkoluulot. Teos käsittelee niin ikään kotitietokonelehtien kehitystä, varhaisten tietoverkkojen leviämistä ja tietokoneen käytön asemaa miehisenä harrastuksena. Koneen lumo tarjoaa nostalgisia tunteita herättävän, monipuolisen ja poikkitieteellisen esityksen Suomen tietoteknistymisen vaiheista 1970-luvulta 1990-luvulle. Teos kuuluu Turun yliopiston kulttuurihistorian tutkimushankkeeseen Tietotekniikka Suomessa toisen maailmansodan jälkeen: toimijat ja kokemukset, http://www.utu.fi/hum/historia/kh/tiesu.},
keywords = {suomenkieliset väitöskirjat},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {phdthesis}
Lainema, Timo
Tietojärjestelmätiede, Turun yliopisto, 2003, ISBN: 951-564-139-X.
Links | BibTeX | Avainsanat: englanninkieliset väitöskirjat
title = {Enhancing organizational business process perception: Experiences from constructing and applying a dynamic business simulation game},
author = {Timo Lainema},
url = {https://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:951-564-139-X},
isbn = {951-564-139-X},
year = {2003},
date = {2003-01-01},
school = {Tietojärjestelmätiede, Turun yliopisto},
keywords = {englanninkieliset väitöskirjat},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {phdthesis}
Ruohomäki, Virpi
Simulation game for organisation development: Development, use and evaluation of the Work Flow Game Väitöskirja
Tuotantotalous, Teknillinen korkeakoulu, 2002, ISBN: 951-22-6094-8.
Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Avainsanat: englanninkieliset väitöskirjat, evaluation, knowledge work, organisation development, simulation game, work process
title = {Simulation game for organisation development: Development, use and evaluation of the Work Flow Game},
author = {Virpi Ruohomäki},
url = {http://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi:tkk-001434},
isbn = {951-22-6094-8},
year = {2002},
date = {2002-01-01},
school = {Tuotantotalous, Teknillinen korkeakoulu},
abstract = {This study concerns the simulation game for organisation development focusing on the development, use and evaluation of the Work Flow Game (WFG). It is a method for participatory improvement of work processes and knowledge work. The WFG is tailor-made and based on the simplified model of the real work process and work activity of the employees. The theoretical framework of the study includes the discipline of simulation gaming, organisation development tradition in behavioural science, the sociotechnical systems approach and the business process re-engineering.
The aims of the study were to develop and to use the simulation game for work process improvement, to evaluate the experiences of the participants, to evaluate effects and outcomes of the WFG and to create an evaluation framework of the simulation game. The WFG was constructed in close interplay between academic research and practical organisation development in ten organisations. Longitudinal, intensive case studies in three organisations described the use of the WFQ including its planning, the game day and the debriefing, and evaluated its effects and outcomes. The evaluation focused on the participants' (N=98) experiences in the WFG and ideas for work and organisational improvements collected by questionnaires and interviews before and after the WFG. Video recordings were used for documenting. Performance measurements were collected on the quality and efficiency of the work process. Occupational health checks on personnel were used in one organisation.
As part of organisation development, the WFG proved to be useful for analysing the present state of work processes, and for testing new operational modes, particularly when planning and implementing new information system. The WFG integrates work process improvement, use of information technology, and participation and learning by personnel. The WFG promoted the participants' interaction, communication and co-operation across organisational borders. The participants obtained an overview of the work process and its development needs. The WFG promoted participants' idea generation and also creation of organisational innovations, which were not presented before the WFG. The improvement ideas were implemented in the organisations: the work process was redesigned, division of work was clarified and the new information system was implemented smoothly. These activities indicated improvements in the quality and efficiency of the work process and in customer relations, overtime work and workload peaks of employees were decreased. The participants had positive attitudes towards the WFG and perceived it a useful method. In conclusion, a model was created on the effects and outcomes of the simulation game within the context of organisation development. The role of the WFG can be described as that of a catalyst for organisation development.},
keywords = {englanninkieliset väitöskirjat, evaluation, knowledge work, organisation development, simulation game, work process},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {phdthesis}
The aims of the study were to develop and to use the simulation game for work process improvement, to evaluate the experiences of the participants, to evaluate effects and outcomes of the WFG and to create an evaluation framework of the simulation game. The WFG was constructed in close interplay between academic research and practical organisation development in ten organisations. Longitudinal, intensive case studies in three organisations described the use of the WFQ including its planning, the game day and the debriefing, and evaluated its effects and outcomes. The evaluation focused on the participants' (N=98) experiences in the WFG and ideas for work and organisational improvements collected by questionnaires and interviews before and after the WFG. Video recordings were used for documenting. Performance measurements were collected on the quality and efficiency of the work process. Occupational health checks on personnel were used in one organisation.
As part of organisation development, the WFG proved to be useful for analysing the present state of work processes, and for testing new operational modes, particularly when planning and implementing new information system. The WFG integrates work process improvement, use of information technology, and participation and learning by personnel. The WFG promoted the participants' interaction, communication and co-operation across organisational borders. The participants obtained an overview of the work process and its development needs. The WFG promoted participants' idea generation and also creation of organisational innovations, which were not presented before the WFG. The improvement ideas were implemented in the organisations: the work process was redesigned, division of work was clarified and the new information system was implemented smoothly. These activities indicated improvements in the quality and efficiency of the work process and in customer relations, overtime work and workload peaks of employees were decreased. The participants had positive attitudes towards the WFG and perceived it a useful method. In conclusion, a model was created on the effects and outcomes of the simulation game within the context of organisation development. The role of the WFG can be described as that of a catalyst for organisation development.
Taskinen, Leo Tapani
Tuotantotalous, Teknillinen korkeakoulu, 2002, ISBN: 951-38-6381-6.
Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Avainsanat: efficiency, englanninkieliset väitöskirjat, evaluation, industrial management, innovation, manufacture, measurement, modification, performance, process control, processing, quality control, simulation
title = {Measuring change management in manufacturing processes: A measurement method for simulation-game-based process development},
author = {Leo Tapani Taskinen},
url = {http://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi:tkk-001780},
isbn = {951-38-6381-6},
year = {2002},
date = {2002-01-01},
school = {Tuotantotalous, Teknillinen korkeakoulu},
abstract = {The aim of this research is to find an answer to the research problem, which is "How can change management be measured in order to help manufacturing companies develop their manufacturing processes?" To solve the research problem, a constructive action research method is applied. The proposed solution to the research problem, i.e., a change management measurement system, is developed based on principles found in project management literature, process change management literature, performance measurement literature, three consultant surveys, and three case projects. Two of these three case projects applied simulation games as developmental tool, while one applied computer simulation. The proposed change management measurement system is evaluated through these three case projects, and thereafter both practised and further elaborated through two new case projects. The two new case projects are compared for gaining more sophisticated understanding of emerging patterns, and improvement suggestions for simulation-game-based change process utilising the change management measurement system are brought forward. Finally, the results are discussed, and the research and its contribution are evaluated through the quality criteria developed for this research.
The measures in the change management measurement system are classified into two types: the first type gauges change project management itself, and the second assesses the outcomes of the change project, i.e., the improvements gained in manufacturing operations. Both of these types are measured in three dimensions: human resources, processes and technology, which are further divided into effectiveness and efficiency. Effectiveness is defined as the external, strategic performance: "doing the right thing," where strategically correct processes are developed, and strategically sound targets are pursued. Effectiveness includes adaptability. Efficiency is defined as the internal, operational performance: "doing it right," reaching the objectives of the change project economically and ideally with the best possible input/output. Consequently, the change management measurement system forms 12 measurement dimensions out of which six dimensions measure change project management itself and the other six dimensions measure changes in the manufacturing operations.
The proposed change management measurement process suggest that particular attention should be paid to measurement and consequent timely reactions in the early phases of the project. Reactions to early feedback enable rapid learning and a successful project trajectory can be achieved already in the early phases of the project. Thereafter, through continuous measurement and consequent timely reactions, a successful project trajectory can be maintained until the project end.
The case results suggest that there is a need for balanced change management measurement where both the change project management and the manufacturing operations management are measured. The balanced measurement improves the systematics and coherence of the change process; thus also the change management capability of the organisation is enhanced. In addition, it is proposed that the measurement system should flexibly allow customised measures for all the project steps. Furthermore, the research results support the idea that one key factor for success is how well the project management team uses the available measurement system, i.e. how well the measurement related tasks are performed. In change management capability improvement the measurement of human resource subject matters is fundamental to success, and it is proposed that in future research cycles, particular attention should be paid to development of measures concerning psychological, behavioural and teamwork subject matters.},
keywords = {efficiency, englanninkieliset väitöskirjat, evaluation, industrial management, innovation, manufacture, measurement, modification, performance, process control, processing, quality control, simulation},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {phdthesis}
The measures in the change management measurement system are classified into two types: the first type gauges change project management itself, and the second assesses the outcomes of the change project, i.e., the improvements gained in manufacturing operations. Both of these types are measured in three dimensions: human resources, processes and technology, which are further divided into effectiveness and efficiency. Effectiveness is defined as the external, strategic performance: "doing the right thing," where strategically correct processes are developed, and strategically sound targets are pursued. Effectiveness includes adaptability. Efficiency is defined as the internal, operational performance: "doing it right," reaching the objectives of the change project economically and ideally with the best possible input/output. Consequently, the change management measurement system forms 12 measurement dimensions out of which six dimensions measure change project management itself and the other six dimensions measure changes in the manufacturing operations.
The proposed change management measurement process suggest that particular attention should be paid to measurement and consequent timely reactions in the early phases of the project. Reactions to early feedback enable rapid learning and a successful project trajectory can be achieved already in the early phases of the project. Thereafter, through continuous measurement and consequent timely reactions, a successful project trajectory can be maintained until the project end.
The case results suggest that there is a need for balanced change management measurement where both the change project management and the manufacturing operations management are measured. The balanced measurement improves the systematics and coherence of the change process; thus also the change management capability of the organisation is enhanced. In addition, it is proposed that the measurement system should flexibly allow customised measures for all the project steps. Furthermore, the research results support the idea that one key factor for success is how well the project management team uses the available measurement system, i.e. how well the measurement related tasks are performed. In change management capability improvement the measurement of human resource subject matters is fundamental to success, and it is proposed that in future research cycles, particular attention should be paid to development of measures concerning psychological, behavioural and teamwork subject matters.
Räty, Veli-Pekka
Visuaalinen kulttuuri, Taideteollinen korkeakoulu, 1999, ISBN: 951-558-028-5.
Links | BibTeX | Avainsanat: historia, kuntoutus, kuvallinen viestintä, lapset, leikit, leikkiminen, pelit, suomenkieliset väitöskirjat, suunnittelu, tietokoneet, tietokonepelit, vammaiset, vuorovaikutus
title = {Pelien leikki: Lasten tietokonepelien suunnittelusta sekä käytöstä erityisesti vammaisten lasten kuntoutuksessa},
author = {Veli-Pekka Räty},
url = {https://jyu.finna.fi/Record/vaari.984217},
isbn = {951-558-028-5},
year = {1999},
date = {1999-01-01},
urldate = {1999-01-01},
school = {Visuaalinen kulttuuri, Taideteollinen korkeakoulu},
keywords = {historia, kuntoutus, kuvallinen viestintä, lapset, leikit, leikkiminen, pelit, suomenkieliset väitöskirjat, suunnittelu, tietokoneet, tietokonepelit, vammaiset, vuorovaikutus},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {phdthesis}
Sinnemäki, Jussi
Tietokonepelit ja sisäinen motivaatio: Kahdeksan kertotaulujen automatisointipeliä Väitöskirja
Opettajankoulutuslaitos, Helsingin yliopisto, 1998, ISBN: 951-45-7925-9.
Links | BibTeX | Avainsanat: matematiikka, motivaatio, opetus, opetusmenetelmät, oppiminen, pelit, suomenkieliset väitöskirjat, tietokoneavusteinen opetus, tietokonepelit
title = {Tietokonepelit ja sisäinen motivaatio: Kahdeksan kertotaulujen automatisointipeliä},
author = {Jussi Sinnemäki},
url = {https://www.finna.fi/Record/helka.9911304453506253},
isbn = {951-45-7925-9},
year = {1998},
date = {1998-01-01},
urldate = {1998-01-01},
school = {Opettajankoulutuslaitos, Helsingin yliopisto},
keywords = {matematiikka, motivaatio, opetus, opetusmenetelmät, oppiminen, pelit, suomenkieliset väitöskirjat, tietokoneavusteinen opetus, tietokonepelit},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {phdthesis}